Windows 8.1

Windows 8.1 – Force Start Menu Layout

When you deploy Windows 8.1 in your environnement, you may define a strategy to force all users to have the same Start Menu Layout. This layout was defined by IT Team and will be provide to all computers.

For example, I set a custom layout: I added some tools and application groups:

Windows 8.1 Custom Start Menu

Windows 8.1 Custom Start Menu

If you want to deploy this Start Menu Layout, you can do it with:

  • Powershell cmdlet on the computer
  • ConfigMgr (SCCM)
  • Group Policy

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Server Technical Preview – Enable Graphical Shell GUI

If you are testing Windows Server Technical Preview 2, you probably noticed that the Graphical interface is no more enabled by default.

In fact, in Windows Server Technical Preview, you have two choices at the installation: Core and Core With Local Admin Tools. The second choice, Local Admin Tools lets you configure your server with Server Manager.

Technical Preview Installation

Technical Preview Installation

Server Technical Preview no GUI

Server Technical Preview no GUI


Like Windows Server 2012, GUI will be enabled by using Server Manager.

  • Go to Server Manager and Select Roles and Features.
  • On the Features Page, check Server Graphical Shell under User Interface and Infrastructure.
Server Preview Enable GUI

Server Preview Enable GUI

  • Start the installation and reboot.
  • After the reboot, GUI is available:
Technical Preview GUI

Technical Preview GUI


You can download Windows Server Technical Preview 2 here.


Windows Server – Not display Server Manager

Since Windows Server 2012, Server Manager is displayed when you log in. This can be annoying to close it each time. Hopefully, you can disable this behavior using two solutions:

  • Locally on the server.
  • With GPO.

Local Server Manager

If you want to prevent Server Manager to start automatically:

  • Go to Server Manager, click on Manage and click on Server Manager Properties:
Server Manager Properties

Server Manager Properties

  • Check Do not start Server Manager automatically at logon.
Server Manager not start automatically

Server Manager not start automatically

Group Policy Object

You can also set this option by GPO:

  • Path: Computer/ Administrative Templates / System / Server Manager
  • Setting: Do not display Server Manager automatically at logon
  • Value: Enabled
GPO Server Manager Disabled

GPO Server Manager Disabled


You could get more information about Server Manager here.


Powershell – Change computer description

To continue in Powershell posts, we will see how to change the local description of the server. Not in Active Directory attribute but on the computer itself.

System Description

The local description is set is the WMI of the server. In the class Win32_OperatingSystem. To change it, we need to get the objects, set the new content and save the modification.

$OSWMI=Get-WmiObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem
$OSWMI.Description="My Server"


It is possible to modify the description on a remote computer, however, we need to adapt the script if the string is store in a variable.

With the Invoke-Command we add the parameter –ArgumentList, so that our variable content will be available on the execution on the remote host.

$myDescription="My Server"
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $lServerName -ScriptBlock {$OSWMI=Get-WmiObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem;$OSWMI.Description=$args[0];$OSWMI.put() } -ArgumentList($myDescription)


You can get more information about Win32_OperatingSystem class here


Powershell – How to format all disks

Did you know that you can manage disks, partitions and volumes using Powershell? Microsoft released a lot of cmdlet in order to facilitate handling of disks.

With virtualization, you can easily add disk to your server, but you have to create the volume yourself. I wrote a script that you can integrate in your process, runbooks or others.

Disks initialization

First thing to do, is to prepare disks to host volume. We need to set disks online and to disable Read only.

try {
#Set all disks, except the first disk, to online and writable
Get-Disk | ?{$_.number -ne 0}| Set-Disk -IsOffline $False
Get-Disk | ?{$_.number -ne 0}| Set-Disk -isReadOnly $False
#Initialize all disks
Get-Disk | ?{$_.number -ne 0}| Initialize-Disk -PartitionStyle GPT
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message


Once disks are ready, we need to create, and format volume.

try {
#Create Partition on all disk, auto assign letter and use maximum size
Get-Disk | ?{$_.number -ne 0}| New-Partition -AssignDriveLetter -UseMaximumSize
#Get all partitions and format them
Get-Disk | ?{$_.number -ne 0}| Get-Partition |?{$_.type -like "Basic"}| Format-Volume -Confirm:$false
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message


If you want to execute these command on a remote host, it is possible. We will use the cmdlet Invoke-Command

try {
#Set all disks, except the first disk, to online and writable
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $lServerName -ScriptBlock {Get-Disk | ?{$_.number -ne 0}| Set-Disk -IsOffline $False}
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $lServerName -ScriptBlock {Get-Disk | ?{$_.number -ne 0}| Set-Disk -isReadOnly $False}
#Initialize all disks
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $lServerName -ScriptBlock {Get-Disk | ?{$_.number -ne 0}| Initialize-Disk -PartitionStyle GPT}
#Create Partition on all disk, auto assign letter and use maximum size
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $lServerName -ScriptBlock {Get-Disk | ?{$_.number -ne 0}| New-Partition -AssignDriveLetter -UseMaximumSize}
#Get all partitions and format them
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $lServerName -ScriptBlock {Get-Disk | ?{$_.number -ne 0}| Get-Partition |?{$_.type -like "Basic"}| Format-Volume -Confirm:$false }			
Write-Host  $_.Exception.Message


You can get more information about Disk Management cmdlet here.

Windows 8.1

Windows 8.1 – Disable Wireless Setup

Wireless Setup

When you deploy Windows 8.1 on computers which have a Wifi adapter, there is a step in the Setup Wizard to choose the Wifi network, even if ethernet card is active.

Wireless Setup

Wireless Setup

This step can block a SCCM task sequence or a MDT deployment because the Wizard asks for an action.

Fortunately, this step can be bypass/disabled by using an unattend.xml file.

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Windows 8.1

Powershell – Uninstall Modern UI Apps on Windows 8

When you deploy a new Windows 8/ 8.1 operating system, you have a lot of Modern UI Application in your profile. But, for an enterprise, these Apps can be annoying: almost all of them are for personnal use.

By example, we can find:

  • Food & Drinks
  • Health & Fitness
  • Reader
  • Games

ModernUI App
Hopefully, you can remove / uninstall  modern ui Apps by using a Powershell command line.

Microsoft provides two type of Powershell Cmdlet, depend of if you want to remove Apps on a User Profile, or on a System:

  • Get-AppxPackage, retrieves all Modern UI Apps for a user profile.
  • Get-AppxProvisionedPackage,retrieves all Modern UI Apps for a system.

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