Windows 8.1

Windows 8.1 – Disable Wireless Setup

Wireless Setup

When you deploy Windows 8.1 on computers which have a Wifi adapter, there is a step in the Setup Wizard to choose the Wifi network, even if ethernet card is active.

Wireless Setup

Wireless Setup

This step can block a SCCM task sequence or a MDT deployment because the Wizard asks for an action.

Fortunately, this step can be bypass/disabled by using an unattend.xml file.

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Windows 8.1

Powershell – Uninstall Modern UI Apps on Windows 8

When you deploy a new Windows 8/ 8.1 operating system, you have a lot of Modern UI Application in your profile. But, for an enterprise, these Apps can be annoying: almost all of them are for personnal use.

By example, we can find:

  • Food & Drinks
  • Health & Fitness
  • Reader
  • Games

ModernUI App
Hopefully, you can remove / uninstall  modern ui Apps by using a Powershell command line.

Microsoft provides two type of Powershell Cmdlet, depend of if you want to remove Apps on a User Profile, or on a System:

  • Get-AppxPackage, retrieves all Modern UI Apps for a user profile.
  • Get-AppxProvisionedPackage,retrieves all Modern UI Apps for a system.

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